Hope For Tomorrow

David Cleofas Avila

B.A. Psychology;
Sonoma State University (2008).
Leading a #stigmafree life, striving to provide hope, through the arts, for individuals and their families, whom are diagnosed with serious and persistent mental illness.

As a multidisciplinary artist living with schizophrenia, I write and make art & music in order to square away the sequelae of life.There is...
Hope for Tomorrow!

© David Cleofas Avila. All rights reserved.


I started my music journey as a teen with chopsticks and a broken guitar. Witnessing the genius of Julian Lage shopping for his first guitar and, a couple years later, a gift of a harmonica on my 20th birthday built up that drive. Playing bongos at a regular drum circle nearly a decade later led to group dynamic confidence. Woodshedding my harmonica turned into writing songs and performing, followed by recording and forming a band.I've made some great musical connections over the years. Mural artist, Travis Parks, was a much needed creative jumpstart. He and I wrote a couple of my early songs. Edward Reifsynder allowed me to conduct him, and with him on guitar, I wrote a couple albums. I still look forward to completing those recordings. And of course there's the mensch, Scott Amendola. His light reminded me it's good to follow your guiding muse. Thanks to you all for the good times!While some of my music is available at most online music outlets, I have made all of it available to listen and download at Bandcamp via the link. (I'm not really in Nepal, but I am on planet Earth!) The song, Driftwood Sunburn, has been highlighted at the online journal of disability and literature, Wordgathering.Peace!

Visual Arts

My visual arts focus began later in life. After earning a B.A. in Psychology, I worked as a Peer Support Specialist, but due to job stressors, wound up checking myself in to a mental health facility to get my meds in balance. While inside, I drew with markers and became inspired to paint.Starting with a little financial help from family for some brushes, oils, and canvas, my art (self taught) caught the eye of collector, and curator of the Susan Fleming family collection, L. Marx, who reached out on social media. Needing to set my price, I phoned Ames Gallery, and with the owner on the line and a texted photo of my first painting, Hope For Tomorrow, I became established in the Arts.Soon after, I was recognized by National Arts Disability Center UCLA, after applying for, and receiving, a grant to further develop my craft.With the onset of Covid and a wanderlust within me, I donated all my belongings, along with my art, and hit the road, masked up, content to write prose and poetry.My paintings and photography have been published in Peatsmoke Journal, Gabby & Min, NUNUM, Harpur Palate, and Ink In Thirds.I have a growing collection of art up on Saatchi Art to view and purchase prints of... sorry, originals are not available!Love!


I began writing poetry as a teen and have been published in Oddball Magazine, The Poetry Cove, eMerg-magazine, WILDsound Writing Festival, Flora Fiction, and Breath and Shadow.My prose writing started shortly after my painting. I have completed a Middle Grade Fantasy Adventure book, a children's board book and picture book as author/illustrator, in addition to my growing collection of poetry, all of which are in the query process.I am currently drafting a memoir and look forward to finding a literary home for all my writing. I have a link here to my Medium page where I post published, along with some unpublished, poems and songs.My writing ability I attribute to all my teachers, professors, and my mother, whose reading to me at an early age imbued in me imagination and a love for books.Thanks for checking me out!Understanding!